Results are In!

Nov. 12th
Rank Order. Your # - your current weight = percentage loss
1. 7 - 155 = 10.92%
2. 2 - 137 = 10.46%
3. 4 - 156.4 = 9.8 %
4. 14 - 181 = 8.4%
5. 13 - 120.5 = 6.59%
6. 1 - 185= 6.57%
7. 16 - 152.6 = 6.38%
8. 6 - 127.5 = 5.9%
9. 5 - 156 = 5.45%
10. 17 - 163.8 = 4.55%
11. 9 - 226 = 3.99%
12. 3 - 244 = 3.44%
13. 12 - 151.8 = 3.8%
14. 10 - 204 = 1.92%
15. 15 - 192.2 = 1.54%
16. 11 - 155 = 1.27%
17. 8 - 180.6 = 1.1%

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hey ladies!! 

Everyone is doing so great! We just have 2 weeks left of the competition and I will announce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners!

I am so impressed with the amount of weight so many of you have lost! In the beginning I said the 16th,( which is a Friday) was the last day of the competition. But looking at the calendar, I thought maybe it would be better to have the last day on the 19th, which is a Monday, a weigh-in day. Please let me know what you think. I don't think it's that big of a deal but if most of you still want the last day to be the 16th, that is fine too. I am still waiting on a few to email/text me their weigh-ins and I will post today. Thanks girls!

Stay strong the next 2 weeks! Make them your best weeks yet!


  1. 19th works for me, although it seems that I'm always a tiny bit lighter before the weekend :) But this will give us all a couple more days to make a difference.
