Results are In!

Nov. 12th
Rank Order. Your # - your current weight = percentage loss
1. 7 - 155 = 10.92%
2. 2 - 137 = 10.46%
3. 4 - 156.4 = 9.8 %
4. 14 - 181 = 8.4%
5. 13 - 120.5 = 6.59%
6. 1 - 185= 6.57%
7. 16 - 152.6 = 6.38%
8. 6 - 127.5 = 5.9%
9. 5 - 156 = 5.45%
10. 17 - 163.8 = 4.55%
11. 9 - 226 = 3.99%
12. 3 - 244 = 3.44%
13. 12 - 151.8 = 3.8%
14. 10 - 204 = 1.92%
15. 15 - 192.2 = 1.54%
16. 11 - 155 = 1.27%
17. 8 - 180.6 = 1.1%

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We are almost at the end! The diet devil is working hard against me this week. I thought I was in the clear after Halloween. Here is how my weekend is shaping up:

Friday: Going to Boise for Temple open house.."have" to eat somewhere yummy for lunch.
            Birthday party Friday night with goodies and cake.
Saturday: A birthday lunch with some friends, a pampered chef party and then the Gourmet Dinner Club    
            meeting ( if you want to know about that ask Tara Packham).

How much is one person supposed to withstand?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm going to be heading to Salt Lake on Thursday for my sister's wedding. Basically a weekend of parties and food, and no time to fit in any exercise. Big, Bad Diet Devil. I like that term :)
