Results are In!

Nov. 12th
Rank Order. Your # - your current weight = percentage loss
1. 7 - 155 = 10.92%
2. 2 - 137 = 10.46%
3. 4 - 156.4 = 9.8 %
4. 14 - 181 = 8.4%
5. 13 - 120.5 = 6.59%
6. 1 - 185= 6.57%
7. 16 - 152.6 = 6.38%
8. 6 - 127.5 = 5.9%
9. 5 - 156 = 5.45%
10. 17 - 163.8 = 4.55%
11. 9 - 226 = 3.99%
12. 3 - 244 = 3.44%
13. 12 - 151.8 = 3.8%
14. 10 - 204 = 1.92%
15. 15 - 192.2 = 1.54%
16. 11 - 155 = 1.27%
17. 8 - 180.6 = 1.1%

Monday, November 19, 2012

Biggest Loser Party at my place!

I know this is short notice but I was wondering how you all feel about getting together tomorrow night at my house from 8:30 (after the kids go down) to 10-11pm to talk about how you lost weight and what was hard for you personally. Also, if you want to bring a dessert/snack to share or some recipe that you learned that would be great! Melanie Cook mentioned doing this in the beginning of the competition and I thought it was such a great idea! (Thanks Melanie!) Again, I know it's short notice, so if tomorrow night doesn't work for many of you as you are heading out of town or already have plans then we can do it next week sometime?? Please let me know what works best for you!  I will send out an email and text too so please get back to me asap! so I can make a plans or not. Thanks everyone!!!

The break down of the money is: 1st place = $200, 2nd place = $100, 3rd place = $40


I am SO excited that we all did this together! Everyone did so great! You know that feeling when your kid(s) do something great, and it makes you just beam like a proud mother... well, I feel like THAT proud "mom" right now with all of you!!! :) I am giggling like a little kid too!!

I am just so happy that so many of you got healthier, lost a lot of weight and fit into pants that you couldn't before! (Good job Erika!) Good job everyone!!!!

Ok, so I know a few of you are dying (biting your nails, checking the blog every second...) to know who the winners without further delay here is the FINAL weigh-ins...DRUM ROLL PLEASE....

Rank #- YOUR #- Starting weight- weight TODAY- Pounds Lost-  % LOST

1st- #7 - 174 - 151- Lost 23 - 13.22%

2nd- #2 - 153 - 134.5 - Lost 18.5  -12.09%

3th- #4 - 173.4 - 153.1 - Lost 20.3 - 11.71%

4th- #17 - 171.6 - 156.8 - Lost 14.8 - 8.62%

5th- # 14 - 197.6 -181 - Lost 16.6 - 8.4%

6th- # 13 - 129 - 119.5- Lost 9.5 - 7.36%

7th- #1 - 198 - 184 - Lost 14 - 7.07%

8th- #6 - 135.5 - 126.5 - Lost 9 - 6.64%

9th- #16 - 163 - 153 - Lost 10 - 6.13%

10th- #5 - 165 - 155 - Lost 10 - 6.06%

11th- #12 - 157.8 - 149.4 Lost 8.4 - 5.32%

12th- #9 - 235.4 - 224 - Lost 11.4 - 4.84%

13th- #3 - 252.7 - 244 - Lost 8.7 - 3.44%

14th- #10 - 208 - 204 - Lost 4 - 1.92%

15th- #11 - 157 - 154 - Lost 3 - 1.91%

16th- #15 - 195.2 - 192.2 - Lost 3 - 1.54%

17th- #8 - 182.6 - 180.6 - Lost 2 - 1.1%

CONGRATS ALISA (1st), ERIKA (2nd) and HAYLEE (3rd)!!!

3 Day Detox Cleanse

So this past weekend I did this detox/cleanse that I saw on the Dr. Oz show.  I was at 161 lbs when I started the cleanse and this morning's weigh in was 156.8 lb!  I know that some of that weight was water weight, but I was pretty happy with the results, so I thought I would share it and also share some of the things I liked about it and didn't like about it.

Here's the link:

Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse One-Sheet

So, the main idea with this cleanse is that it cleans out your digestive tract and rids the body of toxins at the same time.  That's the beauty of high fiber foods, they clean away all the waste and toxic build up in you as it moves through your system.  It's supposed to help reset your metabolic hormones by stopping the rise and fall of insulin and other hormones (like grehlin- that's the one that makes you feel hungry; and leptin- that one tells your brain you're full).  By resetting the hormones you will have fewer cravings and more control over your appetite.

Here's why I like this particular cleanse:
  • It's not a juice fast- you are getting real food
  • Everything is plant based and whole food- no powder supplements, etc.
  • By blending the food into smoothies you are more able to absorb the nutrients.  Most people don't chew their food enough and it passes through the body without the benefits of the vitamins being absorbed.  This is especially true with raw veggies- the cellulose in the plant (ie.fiber) is not digestible, so if we don't chew well, we don't access all the good stuff within the cells.
  • You are not starving! Each smoothie is about 350 calories, so you're getting 1400 cals a day.
Here's some helpful hints:
  • Eat every 3-4 hours and at the same times every day.  There are 3 smoothies featured, but you get to eat 4, so choose one of them to repeat for a snack.
  • You can cut up enough of everything on day one, so when you go to make the smoothies on days two and three, it goes much faster.
  • I really couldn't tolerate the lunch smoothie (celery and cucumber and kale doesn't puree very well in my blender, so it was pretty chunky).  So on the next days I actually chose to just eat the food rather than blend it.  I tried to chew it well :)
  • You can buy frozen fruit- it makes it a little cheaper.  Just be sure that it doesn't have any added sugar.
  • Coconut water was hard to find.  I found it at Winco in the cooler just to the right of the lettuce.  It was among the bottled smoothies and in a light blue container.
I just thought I would share my experience in case anyone wanted to try it out.  Christy said that she was looking to do a cleanse and there might be more of you out there.

Hopefully everyone is happy with their results of the Challenge.  I know I didn't win, but the motivation and commitment that came with it was worth the $20- cheapest weightloss plan I've ever used :)  Everyone looks great and we are all winners (or losers)
It's over! I can't believe it. Thanks to everyone who participated. This was the motivation I needed to get  moving in the right direction. I didn't make it to my goal weight but I was close. I am at my pre-baby weight of 4 yrs ago so that makes me happy. I have learned a lot about myself and how my body responds to diet and exercise. I hope to keep it up and maybe get to that goal weight. If not at least my jeans fit now! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Just wanted to say that Erika is wearing "those" jeans today!!!  (the one's she was trying to fit back into). Way to go, Erika, they look great on you!  You better post a pic :)

Monday, November 12, 2012


We only have one week left in the competition! But that doesn't mean you go back to your old eating habits and stop working out! I hope everyone has learned a lot from this experience and I hope you will stay motivated to continue to stay healthy and keep the pounds off. 

I was talking with Erika's husband, Shawn the other day about a way we can stay motivated and keep the pounds off. He mentioned that we should do a weigh- in, in a few months from now and see who has kept the weight off, or who has lost any more weight. I thought that was a great idea! 

And for a little motivation I thought I would throw in a gift card to Target to the top person who has either kept all the weight off, OR to the person who looses the most weight from the 19th of November to the day I decide to have a weigh in. I am not however, going to tell anyone the future day of that weigh in, until a week before, so you just have to be prepared and continue to work hard. (Here's a hint... it will be in about 3 months from now). :) 

So for those that want to keep going here's another chance to stay motivated! 

Good luck this week everyone!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Diet Devil

I am afraid that I gave in to the temptations of the diet devil A LOT. I have a lot of repenting to do this week but I am afraid it is too late for tomorrows weight in.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We are almost at the end! The diet devil is working hard against me this week. I thought I was in the clear after Halloween. Here is how my weekend is shaping up:

Friday: Going to Boise for Temple open house.."have" to eat somewhere yummy for lunch.
            Birthday party Friday night with goodies and cake.
Saturday: A birthday lunch with some friends, a pampered chef party and then the Gourmet Dinner Club    
            meeting ( if you want to know about that ask Tara Packham).

How much is one person supposed to withstand?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hey ladies!! 

Everyone is doing so great! We just have 2 weeks left of the competition and I will announce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners!

I am so impressed with the amount of weight so many of you have lost! In the beginning I said the 16th,( which is a Friday) was the last day of the competition. But looking at the calendar, I thought maybe it would be better to have the last day on the 19th, which is a Monday, a weigh-in day. Please let me know what you think. I don't think it's that big of a deal but if most of you still want the last day to be the 16th, that is fine too. I am still waiting on a few to email/text me their weigh-ins and I will post today. Thanks girls!

Stay strong the next 2 weeks! Make them your best weeks yet!