Results are In!

Nov. 12th
Rank Order. Your # - your current weight = percentage loss
1. 7 - 155 = 10.92%
2. 2 - 137 = 10.46%
3. 4 - 156.4 = 9.8 %
4. 14 - 181 = 8.4%
5. 13 - 120.5 = 6.59%
6. 1 - 185= 6.57%
7. 16 - 152.6 = 6.38%
8. 6 - 127.5 = 5.9%
9. 5 - 156 = 5.45%
10. 17 - 163.8 = 4.55%
11. 9 - 226 = 3.99%
12. 3 - 244 = 3.44%
13. 12 - 151.8 = 3.8%
14. 10 - 204 = 1.92%
15. 15 - 192.2 = 1.54%
16. 11 - 155 = 1.27%
17. 8 - 180.6 = 1.1%

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ok here it somewhat before picture. This was taken the beginning of last week. I am half way to my goal weight and working on getting those jeans to fit :)   

No I haven't been able to give up pop, still working on that one! Between Kristy and Shawn maybe it will happen.

I wanted to let everyone know that this Saturday is out BodyPump and BodyStep Launch at Golds Gym. These are super fun classes. I teach BodyPump and Haylee (see her post below) teaches BodyStep. The class are open to everyone so come at try them out. BodyStep is at 8 am and Pump is at 9 am. Come and try one or both!

1 comment:

  1. Erika, you are going to make it into those jeans, you look amazing! Keep it up! (BTW, I haven't had any Cadbury chocolate since I issued the challenge. In fact, aside from a few stray chocolate chips and 2 cups of hot cocoa, I haven't had chocolate at all! Are you going to let me win???)
