Results are In!

Nov. 12th
Rank Order. Your # - your current weight = percentage loss
1. 7 - 155 = 10.92%
2. 2 - 137 = 10.46%
3. 4 - 156.4 = 9.8 %
4. 14 - 181 = 8.4%
5. 13 - 120.5 = 6.59%
6. 1 - 185= 6.57%
7. 16 - 152.6 = 6.38%
8. 6 - 127.5 = 5.9%
9. 5 - 156 = 5.45%
10. 17 - 163.8 = 4.55%
11. 9 - 226 = 3.99%
12. 3 - 244 = 3.44%
13. 12 - 151.8 = 3.8%
14. 10 - 204 = 1.92%
15. 15 - 192.2 = 1.54%
16. 11 - 155 = 1.27%
17. 8 - 180.6 = 1.1%

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to the Biggest Loser 12th ward blog!

Hey everyone! 

So I have been throwing an idea around now for a month or so, about starting a friendly competition of the biggest loser with family and friends in the 12th ward. Anyone is welcome to join. So please let others in the ward know, or any family or friends that would like to join in are welcome to as well. 

The competition will start on Monday, Sept 3rd. And will end on November 30th. That's 3 months...of fun and weight loss! :) (So be ready to get those skinny jeans out again!)  I will be calculating weight loss by your total percentage loss, not by pounds.

To join it will be $20. All the money will go into a big "pot".  Depending on how many people join, I will split the money up so that there are 3 winners at the end of the 3 months... 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 

The rules are:

No extreme diet pills, weight loss surgeries, or amputations. haha. :) (To CLARIFY, "extreme diet pills": I am fine with whatever diet program you want to use to lose weight. But starving yourself is not a healthy way of doing this nor will it be a life style change. And that is ALL I have to say about that. So use your best judgement!)  

Must email me every Monday with your new weight. I will post weights Monday night or Tuesday morning. 

Be honest.

And have fun while losing weight and getting healthier!

This blog will be open for everyone joining the 'Biggest Loser 12th ward'. (And like I said, anyone can join, not just those from the 12th ward). You will be able to post your own entries on the blog. You may post healthy tips and recipes to share with everyone. You may share anything you want that pertains to weight loss, exercise and life style changes.You may even post how you are feeling and doing during the day/week. Pictures and comics of weight loss are fun to post. Anything motivating and positive to help others keep going would be great! If you would like to post a before and after picture of yourself, that's great too.   

I want to post everyone's weights and percentages every Monday on the blog, however if any of you feel uncomfortable with having your name and weight posted every week, that is totally fine with me, just tell me so, and we can put a code name for you so know one will know it's you, except me. This will help everyone see what place they are in and how much everyone else is losing during the week. 


I have had a few people tell me, "... but you don't need to lose weight! You're skinny." My response, Thank you, but this is not only about losing weight, it's about getting healthy. (And I do have weight to lose too!) I might not have 100, 60, or even 40 pounds to loose, but I don't exercise regularly and I don't eat good. I want to change that, and I know by doing this challenge with friends and family it can help us all out and that's why I wanted to start this. I keep saying, I want to feel better, be stronger, be healthier, have more energy. And I am tired of saying, "I will start on Monday." And then never doing it. Or lasting a day and giving up.  So for realssss...I am starting MONDAY, Sept. 3rd!! 

I am excited to do this with all of you! I hope you are too! 


  1. what if we stopped right before thanksgiving so we can enjoy the food that day :)

  2. Sounds good to me! I wasn't sure whether to do 2 or 3 months. Some liked 3, others liked 2. So I choose! How about we do 2 1/2. So I will post November 16th is the last weigh in.
